Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Chris & Marion - Engagement Photos!

Chris and Marion are a lovely couple that I know. They are so much fun and so wonderful and full of love! I recently had the opportunity to go to Branson, MO with them and take some engagement photos for them! Here are some of my favorites!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Melissa and Aaron: Wedding Sneak Peeks!

My dearest friends Melissa and Aaron got married last weekend! Yay!

They haven't quite returned from their honeymoon yet, but these are a few of the photos I took for them!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Influence Map

This is my "Influence Map" - or, in other words, a visual representation of things that influence my artwork.

So, moving across, from left to right, top to bottom (overall), an explanation for these images.

1. Poetry (especially poetic Typography). I suppose I should also include music here, because music influences my artwork a lot as well, but I couldn't think of a good way to get a visual image of music. This specific image comes from a typography piece that is full of insight on life in general. (It's a little bit long, but here's a link if you want to try to read it : http://princepoo.deviantart.com/art/Typography-Seven-Life-2511592 )

2. Fantasy artwork: No pun intended here, but I find fantasy artwork to be entirely magical. Fantasy work depicts a place where dreams aren't' just dreams, where nothing is impossible. And I just love it :)

3. Horses, and quasi-abstracted artwork. I've always loved horses. I think they're absolutely beautiful and graceful creatures. I also love the abstract "wings" in this image (which are kind of hard to see because I had to crop it).

4. I love, love, love Autumn colors. This image is all about the beauty of fall, and how it proves that, even in the face of the imminent death that Winter brings, beauty can flourish.

5. I love big cats. Tigers are probably my top favorite, but I love them all. Lions, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs... I love them all!

6. I love spider webs (not so much the spiders themselves though). But clean, organized spider webs like this one make me appreciate the fragility of life, and the quiet, calm beauty that can be found behind some of the "ugliest" things around us. ("ugliest" = spiders... I actually don't mind them, but I hear that a lot of people are frightened of them.

7. Birds. I. Love. Birds. Especially ones in flight. I don't know why... but I'd guess it has something to do with how much I'd love to be able to fly.

8. More fantasy art, but this is a specific artist (www.wen-m.deviantart.com). I've been a fan of this guy for a long time, and I love how much detail he puts into his work.

9. Traditional Japanese prints are also a source of inspiration for me. I don't really emulate the style of them very well, but they still appeal to me and have inspired a few sketches.

10. Nature is one of the biggest inspirations of all, partially because it's always gorgeous, and always around me. Also, I love the color red.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Keck Wedding!

Photos from the wonderfully colorful wedding of Keck and Kenzie! (Sorry guys, but you will always be known as Keck and Kenzie, even though you're both Kecks )

So without further adieu, and in no particular order (since blogger uploaded them in a weird order...) the photos!

so disgusting ;)

They took all their photos before the wedding (which saved SO much time between the ceremony and the reception), so this was how he saw her dress for the first time.

Kenzie and her girls + Josh

If you're curious, the cake toppers were Han Solo and Princess Leia

Hey, a girl's gotta be comfortable. Even on the biggest day ever.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

New Mexico

I recently had the opportunity to drive to New Mexico with one of my very good friends. These are some of the photos I took while I was there :)

Desert Shrub at Sunrise - Las Cruces, New Mexico

Another Desert Shrub at Sunrise - Organ Mountains, NM

Footprints in the Sand - White Sands Nat'l Monument

Ripples - White Sands Nat'l Monument

Zombies! - White Sands Nat'l Monument

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Once I discovered that Photoshop is able to stitch images together into panoramas, I became a panorama addict.

Here's some of what I've done :)

White Sands Nat'l Monument - New Mexico

White Sands Nat'l Monument - New Mexico

White Sands Nat'l Monument - New Mexico

The Organ Mountains (at sunrise) - Las Cruces, New Mexico

Organ Mountains (at Sunrise) - NM
This was on the eastern side of the mountains, so while it was still early morning, the photo was taken with the sun to my back.

Oklahoma Sunset - Edmond, Oklahoma